Thursday, February 17, 2011

My Grand Father Helton

Lewis Cron Helton           Nov 1868 - 1906

Lewis was born in Bloomington, Indiana                  

                                                                                     Images of Bloomington

Lewis worked for the Monon Railraod                      

Lewsis moved away to Chicago as is indicated by the following news item from the front page of the Bloomington Republican Progress, 4 Jan 1893:

Lewis Helton, who holds a position in a Chicago railroad office, spent Christmas with his mother in this city.
He soon moved on to Michigan City, Indiana, according to this note on the front page of the Republican Progress for 5 April 1893:

Lewis Helton has been sent from the Monon freight office at Chicago to Michigan City, where he has been given a better position.

Lewis died of Typhoid fever while visiting Payette, Idaho

Lewis is buried in Rose Hill Cemetery, in Bloomington, Indiana             

Lewis married Leara Benson on 17 Feb 1896 in Carroll County, Indiana

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